Tuesday, September 29, 2015


For my assignment I chose to analyze a hamburger joint called Five Guys. I'm choosing this restaurant because of their high quality food, friendly atmosphere, and their unique taste. I will be analyzing their reviews by athletes and food critics, located inside their restaurant. Their athlete and food critic reviews aren't only a great visual display, but they represent two different kinds of emotional appeals. The personalized food reviews by professional athletes and celebrities appeal to ethos, while the food critics reviews appeal to logs and ethos, because they not only have a professional's approval (ethos), but they have statistical polls to prove their recommendation. The use of  logos, or professional approval through statistical polls, not only reinforces the fact that "Five Guys" is a high quality restaurant, but it also intrigues the consumer to buy the product because of the food critic's expert knowledge in the food industry. In addition, the use of Ethos or celebrity approval entices the consumer to buy the product in hopes that if they consume their role model's (celebrities) favorite hamburger, they in fact to will become just like them.

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