Monday, October 26, 2015

Major Writing Assignment #2

Idea 1: To examine how effective students are at studying for their exams. I will poll questions from my classes and residence hall. The questions I will ask will be: 1) How many total hours did you study.  2) what notes/ study tools did you use 3) how many hours of sleep did you get before the exam 4) on a 1-100 scale, how well do you pay attention in school (and out of school, includes homework). 5) on a 1-100 scale how easy was the homework and lecture notes to digest. 6) on a scale of 1-100 how often did you ask questions/go to office hours if the material was hard. By conducting this experiment I will be able to see student patterns, and find out how that correlated to their success.

Idea 2: Poll asking how much time students devote towards physical activity in a normal school week, and why that is. An outlier in this poll will be student athletes, I will put them in a different graph. I will be polling students in the residence halls and my classes. ( Option A) 0-1 Hours Option B) 1-5 Hours Option C) 5-10 Hours Option D) 10-15 Hours. Option E) 15-20 Hours. Option F) 20 Plus Hours. Questions I will ask will be the following: 1) What stops you from working out 2) What motivates you to work out 3) How do you schedule your workouts 4) What are your eating habits. 5) What kind of physical activity do you participate in. The purpose of this poll is to gain an understanding as to what influences students choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while in school.

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