Thursday, October 22, 2015


Throughout my years of grade school and all throughout high school, I usually have written persuasive papers. When I write persuasively I usually group my writing into  categories. I usually start out with a hook to grab the audiences attention and to get them engaged. Then I use a  thesis to introduce the information at hand. Typically following this, I usually  proceed to write an intro, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

On the other hand  an IMRaD includes, an introduction, methods, results, and discussion. In this writing the introduction summarizes the problem of interest and how it will be solved. In this report it is crucial to include all of your findings and what you have done to conduct this research. This is why it is very important to include what has changed, what could be changed, and graphs and tables.

Even though different, both of these writing styles can be very effective. Even though this new style of writing may be overwhelming at first glance, I think I will be prone to use this style of writing in the near future because of its interesting, yet effective format.

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