Monday, August 31, 2015

Rhetoric Analysis

In my paper I will mainly focus on inserting mythos (joke or story) to reach my audience. Knowing that my audience are high school students with short attention spans, I will need to keep them engaged. Also knowing the fact that my audience is highly interested in my subjects profession, I will use the genre of logos (facts) to inform them of what my subject does and why they do it. In addition to this I will use certain types of media that involve pathos (emotion), because I know higschoolers, unlike adults, are more easily prone to be convinced by the media, especially if the ideas presented in the media intertwine with experiences they have gone through as well!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

First post

During my senior year when I had to write an excerpt about how steroids and illegal drugs used in major league sports today should be banned, I had to take multiple things into consideration. Even though I had to take a quantitative amount of things into consideration, I especially focused on my audience and how that would effect the genre, stance, purpose, and portrayal of the media in my paper. I had to recognize that my peers, most of which whom were high school athletes would have prior objections and beliefs towards certain arguments I would've had prepared my speech toward a different age group. Knowing my audience, I also crafted my speech to learn towards being more humorous and sarcastic rather than being serious. I designed my speech this way because I wanted to keep my target audience's attention, rather than boring them with quotes and facts. Even though I thought I did a great job at the time, looking at this article I noticed that I had room to improve. One mistake in my speech that I gained insight to after reading this article was realizing that I should've used different examples of social media, that would connect to my audience more, rather then trying to force my high school audience to try and relate to icons that were more then twice their age!